Tuesday right after District Meeting Jaydan got really sick. His insides were killing him and he knew it was going to "lose" it. His house was only about 3 block away and he was able to make it there before relieving himself (from the mouth) He didn't really feel better afterwards and thought resting would help. He layed down for about an hour but still didn't feel good but just decided to work anyway. They went and taught an English lesson and to a meeting with the ward mission leader and Bishop. Not a lot was accomplished that day because of the illness.
Thursday they traveled to a training with the Mission President and just their zone. Before the meeting Jaydan and a "newer" missionary went and worked for a bit. They found a really "dumb" guy. Every time Jaydan would ask him a question he would say "that was a really good question" and then just go on talking. Jaydan just didn't think the guy could really answer the easy questions and was really quite amused by it.
The training was good and they learned a lot of good things to improve the work.
On Friday the missionaries planned their week out. They did it a new way that takes longer but seemed to be good. Then they went to the ward Karaoke Night and had a really great time. Everyone enjoyed the night. Jaydan danced and the missionaries sang and it was one of those "you had to be there" kind of nights.
On Saturday Jaydan went on divisions with Elder Hancock again and this time they worked Elder Hancocks area. They found a pretty cool lady that told them they had made it further than any other missionaries. This kind of thing has happened a few times to Jaydan and it really makes him feel good. They also visited with another guy whose son was baptised and Jaydan didn't really care for him. The guy kept putting the Church down for spending so much money on Temple's when there are so many poor people around the world. Jaydan had to bite his tongue. The guy was quite ridiculous in some of the things he was saying. Needless to say it was a long lesson and nothing good came from it.
"I love you all soooooooooooo much!"
Thee Elder Ropelato