Monday, March 28, 2011
It's Me! It's Me! It's Me!
So this week wasn't bad but it wasn't absolutely great either. Jaydan and his comp had a really long talk and discussed things that they could improve on and how to do it. They discussed some of their hard times in the mission and Jaydan feels like they are together because they both have had some rough times and can understand and support each other. The talk they had was really great and has helped already in understanding why things are done the way they are. It reunified them for sure. Jaydan hurt his thumb really bad this week playing soccer. There were only four missionaries playing but Jaydan ran at the ball full speed to get it across a line and when he kicked it he flew. He didn't fly for long though and crashed down on his back knocking the air out of him. Some how during the flying and falling he hurt his thumb. It was twice the normal size. It was also colorful and very still. Jaydan couldn't move it at all. In fact Jaydan said it looked deformed. (probably dislocated) The next day Jaydan realized just how important a silly thumb can be. He wasn't able to use it at all and it hurt really bad if it was even touched. They were having lunch with some members and Jaydan was really hoping he wouldn't need to cut anything. Well as luck would have it they served meat. It was soft and Jaydan thought he could manage cutting it with his "pointer finger" and his "flying bird" finger. He said it was working but the mom told him to give her his plate and she would cut it for him. Jaydan didn't want to but after much persuasion from the mom Jaydan gave in and had his meat cut up into little pieces. Yes Jaydan felt embarrassed but when he was offered some more he took it and let her cut it up again for him. Jaydan said: "in all honesty I think I liked the baby powder like pampering I got." Jaydan is even thinking about making sure it looks hurt all the time. You know coloring it with markers and such just so he can get that kind of attention. (man....we must of slacked here at home....who knew?) While they were at an investigators house, Jaydan was in charge of the baby and keeping her happy. He thought that was pretty easy since little kids just "pee their pants out of so much joy for him". (in the most humble way of course) Jaydan was playing with one little girl that kept trying to hit him. He kept backing up and dodging her but once when he looked back at the baby to check on it the little girl got him right in the kisser. She also scratched him and it even bled a little. Jaydan misses his "fetching little munchins" (nieces and nephews) He loves hearing about their candid moments and what they are doing. He is looking forward to seeing them again. But while he is away he will be happy with the substitutes that he is blessed with. The way Jaydan ended this email: "Ah fart knocker....slap me twice and throw me in the back of the short bus....I have to go since I don't have much time left. But you know I love ya all or I freakin wouldn't write ya right???.....DUH!!!" (the kid makes me laugh) Much Love from the one and only at times good looking but always so hairy, Thee Elder Rompeplato (Ropelato)
Monday, March 21, 2011
What a week from lovable Me

"Well how about we start off with this place shall we now....alright good thinking...we will chit chat it up about his place of glory and readiness." (the way Jay writes feels like "home")
The Elders got permission for the Bishop to go and visit this place called La Villa Soriano or El Santo Domingo de Soriano or something like that. One of the members grew up there and he knew a lot of the people and so he was The Guide. The other two Elders from Delores also went. The Guide would tell each group where to go and they each had great success. They found like 14 people between the 5 of them. Jaydan said that the people were so ready. Usually the mission is a lot of work and rejection but his place was amazing. Every house they went to they were able to get in and teach a lesson....a great lesson even. There was only one house that they went to that they weren't able to teach. The memeber (guide) was such a great help. The guides parents gave the Elders lunch. Jaydan said there house was huge...even for here it would be. They had raised 8 kids in that house and each had their own room. It also had a huge yard and a big Bowery. (Jaydan made the comment about them being loaded) The house also had a connecting appartment to it where the grandmother had lived before she passed away. Jaydan's wheels were turning and thought if they were able to get missionaries into this area they would have a place to stay.
Another investigator that they found that day was a lady who had already had the missionary discussions while visiting her son in Spain. She had two sons. One lives in Spain and the other in Mercedes and they are both members. She said that she would have been baptized in Spain but didn't want to if she wouldn't be able to go to church when she returned home. She told the missionaries that the church would be welcomed to use her house for their meetings if they wanted. Jaydan hopes he will get to go back and visit those wonderful people again. He also hopes that a branch will be made and that missionaries will be able to get back in there.
The week was good except for Saturday. Jaydan said: "We won't talk about that because I don't want to sound like a crying baby with a diaper full of snicker bars. (funny kid) Oh and speaking of diapers...we found a place that sales adult diapers and so I am going to buy some. That will be fun and don't worry I won't be pooping in them."
Sunday was one of the best Sundays ever. It was so spiritual and the Stake President came and has a gift for speaking. It was incredible! After sacrament the Stake President wanted to give one of the investigators a blessing to help them to stop smoking. That was another strong spiritual experience....even the lady was crying and felt the spirit. It was a great day! "Oh but it ain't over yet". They also had a Generel Stake Priesthood Meeting and before leaving were able to take the sacrament to two older people from different families. In the conference they concentrated on the youth being the future of the church. How we need to prepare them now so they will be ready for the road that is ahead of them.
On the bus ride home Jaydan put on a comedian show for everyone. At first everyone was just talking to the person they were sitting by but soon focused in on Jaydan. He went on for 45 minutes and had everyone laughing really hard. That makes Jaydan really happy to make others happy.
"Well this is when I will have to say until we chat again. Toon in next week for more words from Thee Elder Rompeplato"
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Man was Strong Enough to Push over a Tree...YES ME
The weather is finally starting to get pretty descent now. It's still hot but there is wind now and so that seems to help. Today is the first time Jaydan felt a chill since he has been in Uruguay. They were eating ice cream in the terminal by the door waiting for the bus and Jaydan felt it (the chill). Jaydan said he was confused about it and was like "whoa what is this stange feeling?"
This week has been like a roller coaster. It went up and down a lot. They started off pretty good and had a couple of good lessons. Thursday they went on divisions with the District Leader and his comp. Jaydan was with the District Leader and their comps were together. The DL is Elder Hamilton form ID and is pretty "sick" (meaning pretty cool). Jaydan really like Elder Hamilton and said that they get along really well and have a good time. Elder Hamilton helped Jaydan quite a bit with everything that happened before this change.. He is just an awesome missionary and guy. Jaydan said he will visit him for sure after their missions. They have quite a bit in common and just work good together. The only bad thing that really happened was the little family with the 5 kids that Jaydan loves so much decided that they wanted to be Catholic. Jaydan knows that their is an outside force telling them different. He knows that they loved church and each of them had even told him so. Even the teachers had said the older girls were looking forward to starting their personal progress. Jaydan plans on checking back with them and finding out what really happened. He loves that family and wants them to be happy.
They have two other investigator aka the 2 moms. They are the moms of recent converts and are sisters. They have a problem with smoking but the missionaries were successful in getting them to read and pray and cut back on the "cigs". They are doing really good and both of them showed up for church yesterday with their kids that just joined.. Jaydan said it was just so awesome to see them there and made him very happy. Those two moms took huge steps this week!
Jaydan is standing up to his comp and not letting things happen that shouldn't. Jaydan just pushes him into doing what they should. He isn't just sitting back now and letting the Senior Comp call all the shots. Jaydan wants to do what they are suppose to so they will be blessed. His comp will say that he is sick so he can sleep in longer and has been doing that for some time and Jaydan isn't letting him get away with it. The President had told Jaydan some of these things about this missionary and figured Jaydan could make a difference and so Jaydan is really trying. He wants his comp to finish his mission strong. Jaydan also wants to prove to the President that he can do what the President hoped for. "It's all good".
Jaydan says that his love for each of us gets bigger everyday. He also extends his love to the Coy family (all of them and especially the Mocks for writing to him) and also all the H-Townians.
Much Love
Thee Elder Rompeplato
ps "I got a letter from Brock Richins who is serving in the other mission. It sounds like he is just loving the mish too and everyone from Fremont is going to that mission. I love that guy, my Brock. Great guy!"
This week has been like a roller coaster. It went up and down a lot. They started off pretty good and had a couple of good lessons. Thursday they went on divisions with the District Leader and his comp. Jaydan was with the District Leader and their comps were together. The DL is Elder Hamilton form ID and is pretty "sick" (meaning pretty cool). Jaydan really like Elder Hamilton and said that they get along really well and have a good time. Elder Hamilton helped Jaydan quite a bit with everything that happened before this change.. He is just an awesome missionary and guy. Jaydan said he will visit him for sure after their missions. They have quite a bit in common and just work good together. The only bad thing that really happened was the little family with the 5 kids that Jaydan loves so much decided that they wanted to be Catholic. Jaydan knows that their is an outside force telling them different. He knows that they loved church and each of them had even told him so. Even the teachers had said the older girls were looking forward to starting their personal progress. Jaydan plans on checking back with them and finding out what really happened. He loves that family and wants them to be happy.
They have two other investigator aka the 2 moms. They are the moms of recent converts and are sisters. They have a problem with smoking but the missionaries were successful in getting them to read and pray and cut back on the "cigs". They are doing really good and both of them showed up for church yesterday with their kids that just joined.. Jaydan said it was just so awesome to see them there and made him very happy. Those two moms took huge steps this week!
Jaydan is standing up to his comp and not letting things happen that shouldn't. Jaydan just pushes him into doing what they should. He isn't just sitting back now and letting the Senior Comp call all the shots. Jaydan wants to do what they are suppose to so they will be blessed. His comp will say that he is sick so he can sleep in longer and has been doing that for some time and Jaydan isn't letting him get away with it. The President had told Jaydan some of these things about this missionary and figured Jaydan could make a difference and so Jaydan is really trying. He wants his comp to finish his mission strong. Jaydan also wants to prove to the President that he can do what the President hoped for. "It's all good".
Jaydan says that his love for each of us gets bigger everyday. He also extends his love to the Coy family (all of them and especially the Mocks for writing to him) and also all the H-Townians.
Much Love
Thee Elder Rompeplato
ps "I got a letter from Brock Richins who is serving in the other mission. It sounds like he is just loving the mish too and everyone from Fremont is going to that mission. I love that guy, my Brock. Great guy!"
Monday, March 7, 2011
First Week in New Area

"Alright now that that's done we can get started on the quick and short letter. Shall we?.....We shall! But, make sure you keep your hands and legs in at all times....ready.....ok" (This kid makes me smile)
Jaydan loves his new area "Delores". He felt comfortable right away and already loves the people he has met....Jaydan's words..."It is Sicccckkkk!!!" (meaning good)
Jaydan has finally gained the confidence in himself to just talk to people right off the bat. By doing that others like him right off the bat too. He likes this and says it is easier to just be himself. Jaydan and his comp are getting along well. Jaydan will be Elder Guardipee (from ID) last companion.....which is mission talk....Jaydan's going to kill him. Jaydan plans to just help his comp finsih his mission strong.
The Mission President told Jaydan that he was thinking of making him senior comp but felt stronger about Jaydan helping his comp finish his mission. (I guess his comp is sick a lot...or says he is) So Jaydan is cool with that. Jaydan said he should have 2 changes as Jr and 2 as Sr comp.
Even though Delores is small the people are awesome. The ward has been growing in the last 2-3 months. It is the biggest one Jaydan has belonged to and the most organized. They have about 100 people coming to church which is really good. Jaydan said that this ward just works hard to get others there. Missionary work in at the top of this wards list and they work really hard to make things better. Jaydan has never seen anything like it and thinks it is awesome. The mission leader and all the leaders are really great and want to help the missionaries with their work...Such an incredible thing.
They have been working with a family where the mom is less active. There are 5 kids and a few of them showed up for church a few weeks ago. This Sunday all 5 kids and the mom came and all of them said that they loved it. Jaydan is already close to this family and loves them so much. The kids love him already too. The ages of the kids range between 8 and 13. (8,9,10, 11, 13....he thinks)
Friday they played soccer at the church. At the end 5 of the latino teenagers wanted to play the American. The Americans needed one more player so they borrowed one of the latino youth and called him American...not that is his nickname. The Latino's were humbled and Jaydan threw out a cheer for the USA....."GOOOOO THE U.S of A!!!" They won 2-0!
Last night the missionaries went on divisions with some members from the ward to visit less actives. Jaydan and Louis were talking to this one family and they asked where I was from and all that so Jaydan told them he was from the states and Utah. They talked for awhile and sang a hymn and when they finished the dad started laughing and told Jaydan he was not from the states. He said Jaydan sounded just like he was from Argentina and so he must be from Argentina. Jaydan tried to convince him that he was really from the states but he wouldn't believe him until Jaydan used a wrong word and couldn't think of the right one to use. Then the dad said laughed again and said "Alright you are from the states. I believe you now."
"I love you all more than I can express so I am not going to even try."
Much Love
Thee Elder Rompeplato (new nickname)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Changes to Delores
Jaydan had changes and went to Delores. He has a new companion, Elder Guardipee, from Idaho.
Last week after Jaydan wrote to us he was robbed. (first time) He was robbed just over $150 which is a little more than 3000 pecos. He had finally received his reimbursals and still had a little of his own money and it was all taken. The missionaries went to play soccer and left everything in the church while they did. Someone went into the church and cleaned Jaydan out. (he didn't mention if others were robbed too) Jaydan said it was the first time he didn't have his money with him. (bet it's the last time too) He had $3 to live off for a week. He managed to survive though but was still mad about it.
The President called Jaydan yesterday morning to tell him about his new comp. His comp has 3 months left of his mission and is always "sick". So basically Jaydan will just take care of him (Jaydan's words were "babysit") him until he goes home. The President told Jaydan that he trusts him and knows that he will be able to handle this change. He also told Jaydan he would like to make him senior companion soon.
Jaydan is still enjoying himself and the members. He was with some members the other day and one of the girls who is 17 or 18 kept fake punching the Elders and while correcting someone and showing them how to do it she really punched herself in her chin. Jaydan said it was really funny. They went to this same family to tell them good bye since they were being transferred. The mother told Jaydan that the other Elders would give her a kiss when they left the area but she didn't think Jaydan would because he is too strict with the rules. She was right Jaydan didn't. This lady is considered the "mom" of this area. There is also a "sister" (Cinthia) in the area that they also went by to tell good bye and get pictures of her and her family. Jaydan really loves her dad and considers him a great friend. Jaydan felt like it was his job to help reactivate this guy and the guy did come to church on Sunday. Jaydan just loves him and thinks he is great. This family invited Jaydan and his comp for dinner before they left the area. They had chivitos...which were super good.
Today for p-day they went and bought lunch and went to a big park to eat and hang out. They were doing some crazy stuff and Jaydan found a tree and climbed it. He went higher and higher and kept shaking it. It started to crack and split so Jaydan hurried back down. Then him and a few more Elders pushed a big dead tree over. Jaydan got the nickname of "Rompearbol" meaning "tree breaker".
Some of the people in this area told Jaydan they were sad to see him leave. He had become friends with a lot. The sister missionaries cried a little even. The couple missionaries really liked him too and treated Jaydan good. It was a good area but a change will be good.
Muuuuuuuuuccccchhhh love,
Thee Elder Ropelato
Last week after Jaydan wrote to us he was robbed. (first time) He was robbed just over $150 which is a little more than 3000 pecos. He had finally received his reimbursals and still had a little of his own money and it was all taken. The missionaries went to play soccer and left everything in the church while they did. Someone went into the church and cleaned Jaydan out. (he didn't mention if others were robbed too) Jaydan said it was the first time he didn't have his money with him. (bet it's the last time too) He had $3 to live off for a week. He managed to survive though but was still mad about it.
The President called Jaydan yesterday morning to tell him about his new comp. His comp has 3 months left of his mission and is always "sick". So basically Jaydan will just take care of him (Jaydan's words were "babysit") him until he goes home. The President told Jaydan that he trusts him and knows that he will be able to handle this change. He also told Jaydan he would like to make him senior companion soon.
Jaydan is still enjoying himself and the members. He was with some members the other day and one of the girls who is 17 or 18 kept fake punching the Elders and while correcting someone and showing them how to do it she really punched herself in her chin. Jaydan said it was really funny. They went to this same family to tell them good bye since they were being transferred. The mother told Jaydan that the other Elders would give her a kiss when they left the area but she didn't think Jaydan would because he is too strict with the rules. She was right Jaydan didn't. This lady is considered the "mom" of this area. There is also a "sister" (Cinthia) in the area that they also went by to tell good bye and get pictures of her and her family. Jaydan really loves her dad and considers him a great friend. Jaydan felt like it was his job to help reactivate this guy and the guy did come to church on Sunday. Jaydan just loves him and thinks he is great. This family invited Jaydan and his comp for dinner before they left the area. They had chivitos...which were super good.
Today for p-day they went and bought lunch and went to a big park to eat and hang out. They were doing some crazy stuff and Jaydan found a tree and climbed it. He went higher and higher and kept shaking it. It started to crack and split so Jaydan hurried back down. Then him and a few more Elders pushed a big dead tree over. Jaydan got the nickname of "Rompearbol" meaning "tree breaker".
Some of the people in this area told Jaydan they were sad to see him leave. He had become friends with a lot. The sister missionaries cried a little even. The couple missionaries really liked him too and treated Jaydan good. It was a good area but a change will be good.
Muuuuuuuuuccccchhhh love,
Thee Elder Ropelato
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