Today Jaydan went shopping for his missionary clothes and other needed things. We went to The Missionary Mall to do his shopping. They had everything we needed and more. They were very helpful and have a 2 year guarantee on everything. After today Jaydan is about set.

His pants are being hemmed and so we'll need to go back to get them picked up. I love that we could do all the shopping in one store. Actually we paid less than we did for Braxton's and this is all guaranteed. (hoorah!)

The guy helping us (Matt Anderson) seemed a bit hesitant when he told us the total amount. I laughed because it was less than I expected. It's expensive getting these kids ready to go for two years. (it's worth it though)

The Missionary Mall has a huge map on their wall and I guess it's tradition to have the missionary point to where they have been called to serve. Jaydan had to get real low to point to his mission. :)
Jaydan had three bags full (sounds like a nursery rhyme), and his luggage.